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Virtual School

Virtual School

Unlike many other LMS platforms, mCourser is able to virtually reflect the structure of the school system in a specific region or country. You can recreate real schools, classes or groups in this virtual learning environment and then plan and monitor collaboration between teachers, students, parents and other roles defined in your platform.

Extend your traditional classroom activities with the possibilities of a virtual learning environment.

virtual structure of a school system

Roles – virtual representation of the school community

mCourser distinguishes a few types of accounts, e.g. teacher, student, and parent. They can also be utilized by district admin, platform admin, and/or publisher admin. These accounts and roles have specific tools and functions to use the modern educational platform. Depending on the access rights, users take advantage of full reporting and monitoring capabilities based on the massive amount of data collected from all users interactions.

mCourser types of accounts
virtual school for students


The student has a fundamental role in the system. Learners organized in groups participate in live classes, collaborate on projects, and complete tasks and assessments from courses or eContent packages assigned by teachers.


Parents and legal guardians (also referred to as parents) on the platform have useful supervising functionalities. They confirm their pupils’ registration, get an insight into the schedule of their classes, and check their grades and attendance. A parent can always contact the teachers, administrators and read their messages published on school and class forums.

virtual school for parents
virtual school for teacher


Teachers conduct live classes, assign tasks, organize projects and arrange tests. As they have full access to students’ activities, they can monitor their progress and address the areas that require additional explanation or practice, truly personalizing students’ learning paths.

District admin

District admins have the same capabilities as the school admin, but can manage several schools at once. This role was created to provide school managing rights to e.g. educational entities overlooking several branches of their brand.

virtual school for distrinct admin
virtual school for distrinct admin

Platform admin

An educational publisher or a ministry of education is the head of the entire platform. They set up the whole school system, assign access rights and roles. Moreover, mCourser is a white-label LMS so the platform administrator can customize it to their needs and identity.

The platform administrator can also take advantage of Big Data captured from all interactions between mCourser users. You can read more about Big Data analysis here.


Publishers can select courses or eContent packages that should be published on the platform. They manage their content and among many other features they have on their hands, most important are: setting up their platform by selecting visible contents, changing names and icons of them, picking demo contents and screenshots.
The publisher has control over licensing and pricing of their contents. Setting it just right can support growth of a company. Doing so is easier with sales reports that are available for the publisher.

virtual school for distrinct admin

    Find out more about the benefits of Virtual School for stationary and hybrid education.


Tools for teachers
BIG DATA Analytics

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