
KPI for publishers

The metrics and KPIs that every educational publisher needs to know.

Publishers now have an array of KPIs at their fingertips that ensures they can keep doing what works well and cut out what doesn’t.

Educational materials

5 phases of the digital advancement of educational materials

From flat PDF to fully interactive, WCAG-compliant, engaging educational resources. Download the guide and check what stage of edu resources’ digitization will suit your publishing house the best.

Interactive Textbook Samples

Advanced eContent samples for K-12 – try them for free

Try interactive Math, Biology and English sample lessons and discover what kind of K-12 digital materials you can develop in mAuthor.

Must have solutions for K-12 Publishers in 2023

Educational ePublishers’ ‘must have’ solutions for 2023

Check out the trends and “must-have’ tools for ePublishers in 2023. Learn more about market needs and how to satisfy it with new technology-driven, off-the-shelf solutions.


How to choose ready-made educational digital content?

What to look for when choosing ready-made educational digital content? Read tips from experts and check what digital K-12 textbooks look like.

Digital STEM education

Digital STEM education – challenges and solutions

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math – learn how to teach them using modern solutions.

Digital transformation in education

Is transformation successful every time?

Every transformation has a pivotal moment, after which it is simply too late to transform. Learn other experiences.

Digital solutions for educational publishers

Publishers’ economy – 9 reasons why digital solutions are more cost-effective than printed textbooks

Discover nine reasons why digital educational content is cheaper and more effective than traditional textbooks.

Cornelsen Experimenta Authoring Tool

Cornelsen Experimenta with our authoring tool mAuthor

A new educational publisher joined the group of mAuthor users. This authoring tool is becoming one of the most popular solutions for digital publishing!

Accessible educational resources in K-12 publishing - WCAG

Accessible educational resources – what does it mean in face of the European Accessibility Act?

Make your digital K12 materials not only more enjoyable and effective but above all accessible to everyone.