Cornelsen Experimenta with our authoring tool mAuthor
/in News /by PawelJA new educational publisher joined the group of mAuthor users. This authoring tool is becoming one of the most popular solutions for digital publishing!
How Educational Publishers should prepare for the European Accessibility Act?
/in News /by Ewa SiwekWe explain what eContent means in modern education and how it influences teacher-student cooperation.
Virtual Science Laboratories on a short list of BELMA Awards 2022!
/in Awards, News /by Ewa SiwekOur ready-made product – Virtual Science Laboratories (VSL), was selected for the BELMA 2022 Shortlist. Keep your fingers crossed for the final choice!
Learnetic as a new member of the IPA Education Publishers Forum
/in News /by PawelJWe are happy to join the top worldwide educational publishers forum to build together smarter generations!
Sharing the experience after ISTE Live 2022
/in News /by PawelJLearn what conclusions our representatives gathered from the personal meetings with the attendees of the expo.
What’s up at ISTE 2022 in New Orleans?
/in News /by PawelJRead brief relation from Learnetic experts present at one of the biggest educational conferences in the US.
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Learnetic SA
Educational ePublishing Services & Technologies
- Authoring Tools
- White-label LMS
- eContent Development Services
- Ready-made eContent Packages
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