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Important Events
and news for Educational Publishers

Learnetic at EDUtech_Asia 2022 in Singapore!8-10 November 2022
Visit our experts during Asia’s largest conference and exhibition of EdTech providers.
November 3, 2022/by PawelJ
Visit Learnetic Team at GESS Dubai 15-17 November 2022
November 2, 2022/by PawelJ
#translate #transfer #transform 3 values that guided Frankfurter Buchmesse 2022
Let's meet with Learnetic's innovative #EdTech solutions on 19 - 23 October 2022 in Frankfurter Buchmesse, Germany.
October 27, 2022/by Ewa Siwek
Join our experts at Frankfurter Buchmesse Book Fair 2022, Germany19-23 October 2022
Let's meet with Learnetic's innovative #EdTech solutions on 19 - 23 October 2022 in Frankfurter Buchmesse, Germany.
September 19, 2022/by PawelJ
Meet us at the Edutech Europe in Amsterdam5-6 October 2022
September 18, 2022/by PawelJ
Cornelsen Experimenta with our authoring tool mAuthor
A new educational publisher joined the group of mAuthor users. This authoring tool is becoming one of the most popular solutions for digital publishing!
September 7, 2022/by PawelJ
How Educational Publishers should prepare for the European Accessibility Act?
We explain what eContent means in modern education and how it influences teacher-student cooperation.
August 19, 2022/by Ewa Siwek
Virtual Science Laboratories on a short list of BELMA Awards 2022!
Our ready-made product - Virtual Science Laboratories (VSL), was selected for the BELMA 2022 Shortlist. Keep your fingers crossed for the final choice!
August 16, 2022/by Ewa Siwek
Learnetic as a new member of the IPA Education Publishers Forum
We are happy to join the top worldwide educational publishers forum to build together smarter generations!
July 26, 2022/by PawelJContact info
Learnetic SA
Educational ePublishing Services & Technologies
- Authoring Tools
- White-label LMS
- eContent Development Services
- Ready-made eContent Packages
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