mAuthor finalist of the BETT AWARDS 2023
We are delighted to announce that mAuthor, Learnetic’s authoring tool and eContent Development platform, is shortlisted for BETT AWARDS 2023 in the Transformational Impact category.
We are delighted to announce that mAuthor, Learnetic’s authoring tool and eContent Development platform, is shortlisted for BETT AWARDS 2023 in the Transformational Impact category.
Our professional SEN package won in the category SEN Resource of the Year.
Our ready-made product – Virtual Science Laboratories (VSL), was selected for the BELMA 2022 Shortlist. Keep your fingers crossed for the final choice!
Learnetic SA
Educational ePublishing Services & Technologies
- Authoring Tools
- White-label LMS
- eContent Development Services
- Ready-made eContent Packages
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