Report a Violation (Whistleblowers)

In accordance with the Reporting and Follow-up Procedure in force at Learnetic SA, we inform you that a dedicated email address has been created for reporting violations:
Violation reports should pertain to the closed list of areas specified in Article 3.1 of the Whistleblower Protection Act.

A submitted report to the email address should include a clear and complete explanation of the subject of the report and should contain at least the following information:

1) The date and place of the violation of law or the date and place of obtaining information about the violation of law,
2) Indicate the area to which the report pertains (the list is available in Article 3.1 of the Act),
3) A description of the specific situation or circumstances creating the possibility of a violation of law,
4) Indicate the entity to which the report relates,
5) Indicate any potential witnesses to the violation of law,
6) Provide all evidence and information that the whistleblower possesses that may be helpful in the process of reviewing the report,
7) Indicate the preferred method of feedback contact.